Autumn whispers its way into our world with blushes of gold on green and bursts of wondrous reds. As the hills display their vibrant array of color, our school has settled into a warm and welcoming routine.

We enjoyed a spectacular Welcome Back Picnic this year, combining campuses on Connor Street, embracing the whole school community in a Hawaiian theme, and showing our “Love for Lahaina” with a fundraiser to support those who were affected by the devastating fires there last August. Thank you to all those who showed up for that event in every way. It was fun to greet old friends and meet new ones in a spirit of caring and sharing, celebrating the start of a bright new year!

While the evening was a hit, bringing in the crowds, it also brought in a few extra cars. Thank you for your patience with limited parking, and in utilizing the shuttle service from the church parking lot once parking spaces were full at Elizabeth Academy Primary School. However, we need to mention that we had an emergency situation that came up during the event, and the medical response team was hindered by a few cars illegally parked in access spaces. Please be aware that for future events, the city will be towing cars parked in front of fire hydrants and other spaces marked no parking for emergency access.

Onward to October, we begin the month looking forward to a week off school! Monday, October 9th is Teacher Workday, followed by Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10th and 11th (be sure to sign up for conferences). Then, take a nice Fall Break, Thursday and Friday, October 12th and 13th. Later this month, join us for a Parent Education Evening Thursday, October 19th at the Primary School Campus (see invitation below for more details). And we will be having a little Halloween fun on Friday, October 27th with both our Halloween Costume Parade (Primary School) and our Monster Mash (Secondary School). Looking forward to a ghoulishly good time!

Ohh October!

Elizabeth Academy Executive Staff


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