Dear Parents and Guardians,

Growing up on the beaches of Southern California, I gained a love, respect and appreciation for the power of the ocean waves. I spent many hours learning to ride those waves, gaining knowledge and experience from my successes and failures. Through experience, I learned surfing is an incredible sport that requires balance, determination, and a willingness to embrace new challenges. 

As we ride the waves of a new academic year, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome back to school! Just like skilled surfers, we are poised to embark on an exciting journey of learning and growth, navigating the vast ocean of knowledge with enthusiasm and determination. 

We were thrilled to see parents at Parent Orientation and appreciate their unwavering support, involvement and encouragement, shaping our students in their educational journey. And what a joy it was to greet happy students on the first day of school, all of whom seemed energized to be back! We have a great staff who are working as hard as they can to make this year the best it can be. As a whole school community we are poised to embark on an extraordinary journey of learning and growth. 

The adventures have already begun with a successful trip for the Secondary school at Camp Oakley the last week in August. From water and waves to wilderness and back again, our students are exploring it all! This month we will be coming together again as a community for our Welcome Back Picnic!— Thursday, Sept 21st, at 5:30 pm. We will be combining both Primary and Secondary school communities for a Hawaiian-themed picnic (Love for Lahaina”) with pulled pork sandwiches or rice bowls and donations to relief efforts for the fires in Maui last month. We will have great entertainment, food, fun and a movie (Moana!) for the kids! Then our first Teacher Workday will be Friday, Sept 22nd, the day after the Welcome Back Picnic.

Spread the word, our school will be having a booth at a neighborhood festival on 9th S. and 9th E., SLC, on Saturday, Sept 16th. Come join the fun, see us at our booth and spread the word about our great school! 

Up next, our Teacher Workday in October will be coming a little early, the second week in October, uncharacteristically on Monday Oct 9th (instead of a Friday), followed by Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10th and 11th, followed by the Fall Break, Thursday and Friday, October 12th and 13th. Just a heads up about this odd wave, an off-week, early in October, coming your way. 

We look forward to partnering with you and your children as we dive into the sea of learning. Here’s a fantastic video that expresses our hopes and dreams for this year and beyond. Enjoy this tear-jerker of a slide show, “A Million Dreams” (with our own John Woolley as vocalist), which debuted at Parent Orientation (and while you’re at it, join our Parent Variety Show troupe— link here to be part of more productions like this!). Cheers to a year of a million dreams, endless possibilities and remarkable achievements! 

Hang loose and catch the wave of success!


Chris Winfree
Head of School


What’s Happening in September!

  • Primary School Campus Conversations (formally Parent Tea) - Tuesday, September 12th at 8:50am. Secondary School Campus Conversations coming soon!!

  • EAPO Pizza Friday- Friday, September 15th. Place orders no later than Wednesday, September 13th.

  • Coffee Talk- Wednesday, September 20th 9:15am at 3 Cups Coffee in Holladay.

  • Welcome Back Picnic for all Elizabeth Academy Families - Thursday, September 21st at 5:30pm at Primary Campus

  • Teacher Work Day- No School Friday, September 22nd

  • Flu Clinic- Friday, September 22nd 12:30pm to 4:00pm at the Primary School Campus.

  • Parent Education Night- Education Acronym Soup, Understanding EA Classrooms and Processes- Tuesday, September 26th 7:00pm-8:00pm at the Primary Campus.

Primary School News

Click here to find out more about what’s happening at the Primary School! Questions for the Primary School Admin?


Secondary School News

Click here to find out more about what’s happening at the Secondary School! Questions for the Secondary School Admin?


Parent Variety Show

What is Variety Show? A very funny one-hour song-and-dance-tribute to Elizabeth Academy written and performed by parents and staff with an audience of kids and other family. The plot follows a young honeybee who is new to Elizabeth Academy and worried she won’t fit in because she’s not human. As she learns about the school, from infant to high school, she discovers that she, too, belongs at Elizabeth Academy. 

When is the show? March 16, 2024.

What is the time commitment? Minimal (under 1hr/week average) before February; a few 2-3hr rehearsals in February and March; all day March 16.

Do I earn required school volunteer hours for participating? Yes!

Is there childcare for rehearsals? Yes, if we know in advance.

Can I tell my kids about it? 
They can know you’re doing it, but no details.

What else is happening with Variety Show? We are putting out teasers throughout the year. Our tear-jerker slideshow, “A Million Dreams,” debuted at Orientation, and Upper School kids laughed their way through “Camp Oakley Feeling” around the campfire last week.