Primary School October 2023

Dear Elizabeth Academy Families,

September was superb and we are ready for an awesome October! We have completed six weeks of school, the traditional, yearly “normalization” period according to Dr. Montessori. The American Montessori Society (AMS) defines normalization as “A natural developmental process exhibited by a love of work or activity, concentration, self-discipline, and joy in accomplishment.“ We are looking forward to discussing your student’s progress and accomplishments with you at our first Parent Teacher Conference, held Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10th and 11th. Please sign up for conference slots at this link. 

Our wonderful EAPO parent leaders have organized some great events for the month of October, including our second Pizza Friday, a game night for parents, a family trip to Millcreek Gardens for Festival Transylvania, and a Halloween costume play date. What fun! Follow this link for more information. We also invite you to join our second Campus Conversations event, Tuesday, October 17th, right after drop off.

We kicked off our first Parent Education event with a presentation and discussion about inclusive Montessori education at Elizabeth Academy. You can view the recorded video or the slides, if you missed it. We hope you will join us on Thursday, October 19th, for our next Parent Education event, titled Home-School Connections: Montessori at Home. Student outcomes are improved when there is understanding and consistency between school and home. Come and get ideas to support your student’s Montessori school experience in  your home environment, no matter their age.

You are invited to attend our annual Halloween Costume Parade on Friday, October 27th, at 12:00pm. Class celebrations will take place in the morning and students may wear school appropriate costumes (no masks or gore). Parents and family members are welcome to join us on the playground, beginning at 11:50 am, to view the students’ costumes on parade. Bring a chair and a blanket for comfort! Following the parade, you are welcome to check your child out from their classroom to take them home, or pick them up from the car line, as usual. Please watch for information from your student’s classroom about their class celebration.



Jessica Rawlings and Katy Hastings
Primary Campus Co-Directors